»نشرت فى : vendredi 30 septembre 2016»بواسطة : »Aucun commentaire

BlackBerry 10.3.3 what is New

  1. BlackBerry 10.3.3

-BlackBerry 10.3.3 coming next Month but what is new ?

General OS

Landscape everything.*
No orientation limitation (e.g. upside down )
« Open in folders  » option in media apps*
Old up or down call answer screen.
Side by side windowing. (like work wide app)
Proper sizing on HDMI screens.*
Keyboard shortcuts to open apps for all touch devices.
BBOS style firewall (e.g. block texts from unknown numbers)
More USB devices support
Ability to use game pads in hub and homescreen*
Keyboard shortcuts for external keyboards*
Support for extra buttons and keys on mice and keyboards
In built SSH, (that we can use from our phone)
Font options, custom system fonts
Message and keyboard theming
Ability to add calender events to multiple calenders*
Allow 3rd party quick settings
Charging via HDMI? (possible on current devices?)*


Ability to apply filters on emails without going to Web*
Dark hub (although I don’t really care for it, but it’d shut others up)
Real time voice dictation
3rd party apps in blend
App monitor
Ability to see phone logs (for app errors, kernel errors, etc)
Separate core apps, headless, and active frame apps*
Ability to restart core apps and services without restarting the entire phone. (it’s QNX for heavens sake!)
CPU graph; network graph;

Chosen alignment (choose where icons are aligned)
Ability to choose where new apps are put*
Ability to hide app icons

Active Frames that are actually Active (i.e. I can see them functioning even when minimized)
Ability to change the 3 apps on bottom (or at least me choose which camera is default)
Allow me to add anything as a shortcut to homescreen
Allow live icons
Improved Personal assistant

Don’t respond « wolfram alpha » when I ask your name; respond with device name ;*Friendly device name (my device is named Cleo)
Voice that sounds less like a robot
Ability to play Playlists by voice*
Landscape trailers movie details
If I ask what a word means, add it to personal dictionary*
Ability to use Third party apps
Improved maps

A, B, and C destinations*
Multiple route options (e.g. Google maps)
Change starting locations
Bus routes and walking*
Different or better maps data, or ability to choose maps (e.g. HERE maps, Google maps, etc)*
Lock screen

Playbook style screen wake swipe (any edge to any edge)*
New unlock swipe animation (i.e. The glow effect when unlocking)
Ability to choose date/time location*
Ability to choose the clock style (maybe I want analog?)
*Improved story maker /video editor
Don’t require a beginning and end slide
Don’t require filters and transitions
More flexibility with music (what parts of song to use, how loud and at what points)
Music app

Edit music tags
Automatic album art retrieval*
Custom equalizers*
photos app

Choose which default editor app
Choose different layouts*
Preview pane
Password for hidden photos

Manual focus, iso, etc
Real time filters *
Up and down panoramic

Drag and drop copying!*
Password support for zip folders*
.7z ,.rar, and tarball support*
Ability to browse other BlackBerrys file systems
FTP, samba, etc support*
Third party plug in support (no more separate file browsers)
File system details within app (free space, music count, pictures count, etc)*
Format USB drives
Make symlinks /shortcuts
Android runtime

Mouse support
Edit app permission*
Weather app

Ability to view multiple towns at once.*
Update the interface,*
Live weather icon that shows current (like the calender)
Remember app

Be able to swipe back and forth between tasks and notes*
Ability to move to Evernote after saving
Sync with OneNote
Tasks show up in hub (with calender events when you pull down)*
Docs to Go

Ability to make slide shows (powerpoint; and fully edit them)
Ability to put passwords and encryption on documents*
Tab button for indention!*
Ability to use our own fonts!*
Formatting options! »

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